What is the FDA?
FDA is the U.S. Government agency responsible for dietary supplements, food, drugs, blood products, biological medical products, radiation-emitting devices, medical devices, cosmetics, and veterinary equipment. The abbreviation FDA stands for “U.S. Food and Drug Administration” and its Turkish equivalent can be translated as “Amerikan Gıda ve İlaç Dairesi”. It is an institution that is included in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and laid its foundation in 1862. It is also an organization that analyzes and certifies the products with its nearly 10 thousand personnel.
FDA Regulations and Its Scope
The FDA is one of the largest authorities in the food and pharmaceutical industry, not only in the USA but also worldwide. Its studies, research results, standards, and regulations are accepted and taken as references all over the world. In this context, we can say that the scope of the subjects it has authority on is very wide. The FDA’s responsibilities are closely related to those of many other government agencies. Below is a list of traditionally recognized product categories that fall under the FDA’s power to regulate:
o Infant Foods
o Other Food Products (Although the U.S. Ministry of Agriculture takes a leading part in regulating some meat, poultry, and egg products, the FDA is also working on these products.)
o Drugs
o Prescription Drugs
o Non-Prescription Drugs
o Biological Products
o Blood & Blood Products
o Tissue & Tissue Products
o Vaccination for People
o Allergens
o Cellular & Gene Therapy Products
o Medical Devices
o Products with Complex Technology Such as Pacemakers
o Devices used in Dental Treatment
o Surgical Implant & Prothese
o Radiation-Emitting Electronice Products
o Microwave Ovens
o Laser Products
o Ultrasonotherapy Equipments
o Mercury Vapor Lamp
o Daylight Lamps
o Cosmetic Products
o Skin Moisturizers & Cleansers
o Perfumes & Nail Polishes
o Pet Foods
o Animal Feeds
o Veterinary Medicines and Devices
o Tobacco Products
o Cigarettes
o Tobaccos
o Hand-Rolled Cigarettes