BSC is a mandatory Shipping document for all shipment to Ivory Coast. It is valid for all ports in Ivory Coast such as Abidjan, Baobab Marine Terminal, Sasandra port, San Pedro. The name of the certificate is called CTN in English and BSC in French. It was determined as a regulation by Ivorian Customs Officials in 2005 Penalty sanction is imposed on shipment that are made without a BSC certifictae. According to the Ivory Coast Customs regulation, all cargo to Ivory Coast must be accompanied by a BSC certificate, which must be verified five days before the ship arrives at the port. Shipments which are arriving without a BSC or with incorrect information at BSC will be charged twice the certificate price, with the issuance fee to be determined by Ivorian Customs Officials.
According to this law, every cargo purchased from abroad and transported for commercial, in some cases diplomatic or personal purposes, requires a Loading Certificate called BSC – Bordereau de Suivi des Cargaisons. You must obtain your original BSC certificate before the ship arrives at port.
After you send us your post-loading documents your BSC number is sent to you for printing on your bill of lading. After the BSC number is added to the bill of lading, the system entry of BSC is made by us. There is no preliminary draft sharing, the original certificate will be sent to you after the payment and documents are completed. Pricing is calculated according to the number and type of the container. Certificates are sent to you via e-mail in PDF format with electronic signature.
For the application documents and price information, contact ASTERION INSPECTION via e-mail and telephone.